Guaruja, Sao Paulo
Guaruja, Sao Paulo
Result | Adversary | Method | Event | Data | Round | Time |
Rounds: 3 |
Fabricio Jonas da Silva Martins
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
Centurion FC - Non Ducor, Duco
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
16/06/2023 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 3 |
Fernando noriega
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
Submission (Guillotine) |
Spartacus MMA - Spartacus Fight Event
Method: Submission (Guillotine) |
04/03/2023 | 3 | 0:00 |
Rounds: 3 |
Luis Fernando de Oliveira Lima
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
SFT - Standout Fighting Tournament 36: Warriors of the Cage
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
23/07/2022 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 3 |
Paulo Henrique Laia
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
SFT - Standout Fighting Tournament 34
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
30/04/2022 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 3 |
Thiago Silva
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
SFT - Standout Fighting Tournament 27: Bispo vs. Sousa
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
15/07/2021 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 2 |
Guilherme Faria de Souza
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 3:45 |
Technical Knockout (Punches) |
SFT - Standout Fighting Tournament 19
Method: Technical Knockout (Punches) |
21/12/2019 | 2 | 3:45 |
Rounds: 3 |
David Alex Duarte
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Split) |
Future FC 6 - Cado Vs Giacomo
Method: Decision (Split) |
28/06/2019 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 5 |
Lucas Almeida
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:27 |
Technical Knockout (Retirement) |
MF - Max Fight 21
Method: Technical Knockout (Retirement) |
01/12/2018 | 5 | 1:27 |
Rounds: 3 |
Tiago Araujo Santos
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:41 |
Technical Knockout (Punches) |
MF - Max Fight 20
Method: Technical Knockout (Punches) |
18/08/2018 | 3 | 0:41 |
Rounds: 1 |
Luiz Antonio Lobo Gavinho
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 3:58 |
Technical Knockout (Punches) |
JF - Jungle Fight 85
Method: Technical Knockout (Punches) |
23/01/2016 | 1 | 3:58 |
Rounds: 1 |
Lucas Rosendo
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 3:00 |
Submission (Kneebar) |
AFC MMA - Americas Fighting Championship 6
Method: Submission (Kneebar) |
17/10/2015 | 1 | 3:00 |
Rounds: 5 |
Victor Toffanelli
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
Max Fight 15 - Ilha Comprida
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
04/07/2015 | 5 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 3 |
Diego Barbosa
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Split) |
JF - Jungle Fight 76
Method: Decision (Split) |
11/04/2015 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Rodrigo Gonzalez
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 2:11 |
Submission (rear naked choke) |
JF - Jungle Fight 74
Method: Submission (rear naked choke) |
29/11/2014 | 1 | 2:11 |
Rounds: 3 |
Samuel Paiva
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
AFC MMA - Americas Fighting Championship 2
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
09/08/2014 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Fabiano Fernandes
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 4:25 |
Technical Knockout (Punches) |
JF - Jungle Fight 71
Method: Technical Knockout (Punches) |
19/07/2014 | 1 | 4:25 |
Rounds: 1 |
Leandro Souza Santos
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:51 |
Submission (Arm-Triangle) |
AFC MMA - Americas Fighting Championship 1
Method: Submission (Arm-Triangle) |
24/05/2014 | 1 | 1:51 |
Rounds: 3 |
rafael alves
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down N/A |
Submission (Armlock) |
JF - Jungle Fight 68
Method: Submission (Armlock) |
05/04/2014 | 3 | N/A |
Rounds: 1 |
Caius Rodrigues
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 2:15 |
Submission (Anaconda Choke) |
SC - Shockwave Combat 6
Method: Submission (Anaconda Choke) |
22/02/2014 | 1 | 2:15 |
Rounds: 3 |
Bruno Frazatto
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Split) |
PFC - Premium Fight Championship 3
Method: Decision (Split) |
22/11/2013 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Geovane de Freitas
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
Submission (Leg Key) |
PFC - Predator FC 24
Method: Submission (Leg Key) |
09/08/2013 | 1 | 0:00 |
Rounds: 3 |
Evandro Oliveira
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Draw (Majority) |
Quality FC - Quality Fighting Championship
Method: Draw (Majority) |
15/09/2012 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Vanderci Garcia
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:36 |
Submission (Armlock) |
SC - Shockwave Combat 1
Method: Submission (Armlock) |
11/12/2011 | 1 | 1:36 |
Rounds: 3 |
Elias Silverio
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
Fight Show - MMA 1
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
17/09/2011 | 3 | 5:00 |