Leon, Guanajuato
Leon, Guanajuato
Result | Adversary | Method | Event | Data | Round | Time |
Rounds: 1 |
Alejandro Perez
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:49 |
Technical KnockoutN/A ) |
Kamikaze Fight League - Kamikaze Fight League 2
Method: Technical KnockoutN/A ) |
29/05/2013 | 1 | 1:49 |
Rounds: 3 |
Omar Castro
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
XK 16 - Xtreme Kombat 16
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
18/08/2012 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Uzziel Martinez
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:38 |
Submission (Triangle) |
XFL - Xtreme Fighters Latino
Method: Submission (Triangle) |
28/07/2011 | 1 | 1:38 |
Rounds: 1 |
Mahatma Garcia
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down N/A |
Submission (rear naked choke) |
TFC 1 - Total Fight Championship 1
Method: Submission (rear naked choke) |
28/05/2011 | 1 | N/A |
Rounds: 2 |
Roberto Guerrero
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:53 |
Submission (Armlock) |
GEX - Cage Tournament 5
Method: Submission (Armlock) |
03/06/2010 | 2 | 0:53 |
Rounds: 1 |
Arturo Dumaine
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:15 |
Submission (Armlock) |
GEX - Cage Tournament 3
Method: Submission (Armlock) |
10/02/2010 | 1 | 1:15 |
Rounds: 1 |
Daniel Salas
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:19 |
Technical Knockout (Punches) |
TC 33 - Total Combat 33
Method: Technical Knockout (Punches) |
11/07/2009 | 1 | 1:19 |
Rounds: 1 |
Manuel Hernandez
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 2:07 |
Submission (Armlock) |
GEOC 3 - Gracie Evolution of Combat 3
Method: Submission (Armlock) |
18/10/2008 | 1 | 2:07 |