Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Result | Adversary | Method | Event | Data | Round | Time |
Rounds: 1 |
marco olano
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
Technical Knockout (Elbows) |
Inka FC 21 - Private
Method: Technical Knockout (Elbows) |
19/05/2013 | 1 | 0:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Philip Vidal
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 4:56 |
Submission (Anaconda Choke) |
EF 3 - Fight 3 Encounter
Method: Submission (Anaconda Choke) |
25/08/2012 | 1 | 4:56 |
Rounds: 2 |
Hacran Days
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:55 |
Finalization ) |
Juiz de Fora - Fight 4
Method: Finalization ) |
14/04/2007 | 2 | 0:55 |
Rounds: 1 |
Claudior da Silva Fontinelle
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:20 |
Technical Knockout (Contusion) |
SF - Showfight 4
Method: Technical Knockout (Contusion) |
06/04/2006 | 1 | 0:20 |
Rounds: 1 |
Ivan Iberico
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:39 |
Knockout (Punches) |
GC 1 - Grand Champion 1
Method: Knockout (Punches) |
25/02/2006 | 1 | 0:39 |
Rounds: 3 |
Aloisio Barros
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
decision ) |
Shooto - Brazil 9
Method: decision ) |
03/12/2005 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 2 |
Marcelo Teixeira
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 3:22 |
Technical Knockout (Medical Interruption) |
Arena - BH Combat
Method: Technical Knockout (Medical Interruption) |
04/06/2005 | 2 | 3:22 |
Rounds: 1 |
Cesar Augusto Cunha Dias
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:24 |
Submission (Guillotine) |
Juiz de Fora - Fight 2
Method: Submission (Guillotine) |
16/04/2005 | 1 | 0:24 |
Rounds: 1 |
Wellington Wellington
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
Submission (Guillotine) |
Shooto - Brazil
Method: Submission (Guillotine) |
12/07/2003 | 1 | 0:00 |