Gloucester, South West England
Gloucester, South West England
Result | Adversary | Method | Event | Data | Round | Time |
Rounds: 1 |
Sergei Kirieliug
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:17 |
Technical Knockout (Knee Contusion) |
UD 1 - Urban Destruction 1
Method: Technical Knockout (Knee Contusion) |
10/04/2005 | 1 | 0:17 |
Rounds: 2 |
Jacob Sheep
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 4:37 |
Submission (Armlock) |
IMA - Mix Fight
Method: Submission (Armlock) |
19/12/2004 | 2 | 4:37 |
Rounds: 1 |
Franco de Leonardis
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:33 |
Submission (rear naked choke) |
UC 10 - Ultimate Combat X
Method: Submission (rear naked choke) |
20/06/2004 | 1 | 1:33 |
Rounds: 3 |
Frederic Fernandez
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
A tie ) |
EB 7 - Extreme Brawl 7
Method: A tie ) |
06/06/2004 | 3 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 2 |
Luca Lazzerini
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
Technical Knockout (Cut) |
EB 6 - Extreme Brawl 6
Method: Technical Knockout (Cut) |
21/03/2004 | 2 | 0:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Samy Schiavo
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down N/A |
Technical Knockout (Punches) |
Cage Rage 5 - Valentine's Brawl
Method: Technical Knockout (Punches) |
15/02/2004 | 1 | N/A |
Rounds: 2 |
David Minetti
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 3:22 |
Submission (Footbar) |
P&G 1 - Pride and Glory 1
Method: Submission (Footbar) |
01/02/2004 | 2 | 3:22 |
Rounds: 1 |
Dave Elliot
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 4:36 |
Submission (Triangle) |
Cage Rage 4 - Lightning Strikes
Method: Submission (Triangle) |
12/10/2003 | 1 | 4:36 |
Rounds: 2 |
Ozzy Haluk
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 2:34 |
Technical Knockout (Submission to Punches) |
CWFC 4 - Cage Warriors 4: UK vs. France
Method: Technical Knockout (Submission to Punches) |
27/07/2003 | 2 | 2:34 |
Rounds: 4 |
Mark Chen
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
Decision (Unanimous) |
UC 5 - Maximum Power
Method: Decision (Unanimous) |
16/03/2003 | 4 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 2 |
Gavin Bradley
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
decision ) |
UC 4 - Eyes of the Beast
Method: decision ) |
01/12/2002 | 2 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 0 |
Dave Mace
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
decision ) |
G&P 1 - Ground & Pound 1
Method: decision ) |
12/10/2002 | 0 | 0:00 |
Rounds: 2 |
Chris Smith
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 3:14 |
Submission (Punches) |
UC 3 - Warriors Quest
Method: Submission (Punches) |
08/09/2002 | 2 | 3:14 |
Rounds: 1 |
Lee Shone
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 1:36 |
Finalization ) |
UC 2 - World Warriors
Method: Finalization ) |
09/06/2002 | 1 | 1:36 |
Rounds: 2 |
Andrew Liu
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 5:00 |
decision ) |
G&S 5 - Grapple & Strike 5
Method: decision ) |
11/05/2002 | 2 | 5:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
David Mclaughlin
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 2:51 |
Submission (Rear Naked Choke) |
UC 1 - Ultimate Combat 1
Method: Submission (Rear Naked Choke) |
10/03/2002 | 1 | 2:51 |
Rounds: 1 |
Ian Leach
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
Technical Knockout (Cut) |
G&S 3 - Grapple & Strike 3
Method: Technical Knockout (Cut) |
19/05/2001 | 1 | 0:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Dave campbell
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 4:00 |
N / A) |
CSOT - Combat Sports Open Trials: 2002 2nd Leg
Method: N / A) |
28/04/2002 | 1 | 4:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Oliver Ellis
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 4:00 |
(Tie) |
CSOT - Combat Sports Open Trials: 2002 2nd Leg
Method: (Tie) |
28/04/2002 | 1 | 4:00 |
Rounds: 0 |
Alex Owen
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
Submission (Armlock) |
CSNC - Combat Sports National Championship 2
Method: Submission (Armlock) |
25/11/2001 | 0 | 0:00 |
Rounds: 0 |
Mark Besse
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:00 |
Finishing (Neck Crank) |
CSNC - Combat Sports National Championship 2
Method: Finishing (Neck Crank) |
25/11/2001 | 0 | 0:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
John Williams
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 4:00 |
A tie) |
CSOT 4 - Combat Sports Open Trials 4
Method: A tie) |
30/09/2001 | 1 | 4:00 |
Rounds: 1 |
Unknown Fighter
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 2:10 |
N / A) |
CSOT 3 - Combat Sports Open Trials 3
Method: N / A) |
28/07/2001 | 1 | 2:10 |
Rounds: 1 |
Anthony McRae
Time: About 7,5 hrs in total, 4,5 hrs to go up and 3 to come down 0:53 |
N / A) |
CSOT 3 - Combat Sports Open Trials 3
Method: N / A) |
28/07/2001 | 1 | 0:53 |