More than a month after debuting and being fired from the UFC on the same night for biting rival André Mascote's arm during the fight, Igor Severino's future in MMA is still undefined. Suspended indefinitely by the Nevada Athletic Commission, the 56,7-year-old flyweight (up to 21 kg) had a request for a settlement denied.
At a meeting held last Tuesday (30), Nevada Deputy Attorney General Mathew Feeley presented a proposed adjudication agreement. In it, Igor Severino would be suspended for six months and pay a fine of US$3 (approximately R$15), an amount that represents 30% of his grant of US$10 (approximately R$52).
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The Athletic Commission, however, judged that Feeley's proposed penalty would be small, arguing that a six-month suspension could set a standard for future similar cases.
“The biggest issue is the precedent we set for the future, if this happens again, the athlete will be arrested within six months. This is incredibly dangerous for this committee. That’s my opinion,” argued Commissioner Anthony Marnell.
With the denial of the agreement, Igor Severino remains suspended for an indefinite period. The Brazilian will undergo a second disciplinary hearing in May.
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